By using the Social Pinpoint you are taken to have accepted these Terms and Conditions set out below.
Social Pinpoint is an online forum for community engagement.
The Land Use Planning team will read the statements and incorporate them into the decision process.
When you post your first statement, you will be asked for your full name and whether you live on or off Snaw-naw-as First Nation lands. This confidential information is only used to identify statements from members - so that Snaw-naw-as First Nationknows who is making the statements.
Social Pinpoint is a non-partisan company that provides a fun and effective way to engage with communities. The data for this project is housed in Canada. Social Pinpoint will keep your information confidential per their strict privacy policy.
Participation in this survey is voluntary; Snaw-naw-as First Nation will consider input from this forum along with all other channels for participation. However you choose to participate, thanks for helping us build the MSIFN Land Use and Servicing Plan.
Please review the following Moderation Rules before making your first post. Comments that do not adhere to the moderation rules will be removed.
- Never post personal information about another forum participant. This includes identifying any individual by their real name if they have not already done so or providing personal contact information.
- Never identify a staff member by name.
- Don't defame anyone or any organization. A comment is defamatory if it lowers or harms the reputation of a person or organization. If you wish to accuse someone of committing a crime or being an idiot this is not the place to do it.
- Don't post anything that could be considered intolerant of a person's race, culture, appearance, physical abilities, gender or gender presentation, sexual orientation or preference(s), religion or age.
- Don't be obscene and don't use foul language. Lots of people from different backgrounds participate in these forums. We want them to be able to continue to do so from home, work, school, university or wherever they may be. Disguising swear words by deliberately misspelling them doesn't make them any less offensive.
- Don't personally insult or harass other participants. Always focus on the logic of the argument rather than the individuals involved in the argument. Users are entitled to choose not to enter into debate with you.
- Don't post or link to any inappropriate, offensive or illegal material. Inappropriate content is anything that may offend or is not relevant to the discussion.
- Don't post any advertisements, however much you believe in the service or product.
- Don't complain about the moderation on the site, you can always direct an email to us if you are unhappy. Please contact
Personal information is subject to provisions of the federal Privacy Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. P-21) and Access to Information Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. A-1), and will be used to collect community input on the topics posted on this forum.